Through AdSense List Easy Ways Youtube 4 Phase Only

 Through AdSense List Easy Ways Youtube 4 Phase Only
Google AdSense is actually registering it bother easy, depending on your perception just see it from where and how you prepare yourself in the registration process. In this tutorial will discuss How Easy Sign AdSense Through Youtube 4 Phase Only, what are four stages, including the Register, Upload Video, Settings and Associate AdSense account.
Most people decide to register and join the Google AdSense in the hope that they will get the money or are known to make money by placing advertisements on their sites or perhaps by some other means. But most bloggers abandon blogging because they feel troubled and pessimistic that it will not get approval from Google AdSense. Finally they decided to retreat before battle. Well away from where we moved to help through the tutorial mode so that the Approved List of AdSense that can be used as a reference in your AdSense sign up process. Well without lengthy, let We consider the Easy Way Through AdSense Youtube Sign In Stage 4 below.
1. Sign upThe first stage is to be prepared beforehand to register the email if you do not already have a gmail account, but for those who already have a gmail account, it is sufficient that account is used. In order for the registration process to run smoothly, you should not use a google email account which had been rejected previously.
2. UPLOAD VIDEOAfter you successfully create a gmail email, the next step is to upload video through YouTube, to upload videos via youtube please login to the site then upload your video.

Tips: please upload your video truly original or recording the results of your own, because the registration process will be much faster and efficient.
3. SETTINGThe third step of the way through the list adsense youtube is to do a little setting on the YouTube account you have.

Click the following link Monetization
enable account adsense youtube
After that, you must accept all the terms and conditions by clicking "I accept". If so, look at the top-right corner click the arrow next to the upload button and then click "Manage Videos".
Once you have approved the terms of the Google AdSense, then click the button Monetize.
youtube video monetize adsense
4. Associate account ADSENSEAfter successfully setting on your youtube account, the next step is to associate an AdSense account with videos that have been uploaded earlier. To associate Adsense account, Visit and expand the topic "How Will I Be Paid" and click on the link "Associate an Adsense Account". Here is the screenshot:connecting youtube account with adsenseFurthermore, you will be directed to a screen where you are asked to set up your Adsense account. Click the "Continue" button to fill in your details such as address, country, etc. Payee Name. After click the continue button, then you will be prompted to fill in some of the data of which is the State, Account Type, Address etc. Please fill in information adsense
After filling the form, then click the Send button and wait 1-2 hours validation process, after the validation process is completed you will get EMail contains details Adsense Account Approved. How easy is not a list of adsense via youtube, hopefully this trick can work for you make a list so you can easily google adsense  accepted.

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